SeeYouDoc and DOST-PCHRD Builds New Tech to Advance Telemedicine Adoption in the Country

This project was funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) - Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) under the Startup Research Grant Program of the PCHRD Intellectual Property and Technology Management (IPTM) Unit.

Where the Journey Started

We were not prepared when COVID-19 hit. At SeeYouDoc, we’re building a complete, integrated healthcare platform that should help in safeguarding a future without the threat of a total healthcare collapse. Where most everyday services can suffer a momentary interruption, it is crucial that it is different when it comes to healthcare.

Through the Universal Healthcare Act, more and more groups in both private and public sectors seek to introduce telemedicine to their existing healthcare programs as a way to provide a more holistic approach. Telemedicine is a known solution that transcends logistical challenges, bringing healthcare to the patient at the comfort of their own homes, and making it more accessible even to commonly marginalized sectors.

However, there remains a challenge in its adoption in the country.

This challenge in adoption led to the following hypotheses: there is a general lack of technical means to build, operate, and monitor telemedicine softwares by healthcare providers; there is a lack of internal regulations and policies to guide healthcare providers as a starting foundation to raise awareness and for providing quality assurance; and there is an absence of clearly defined metrics to measure the effectiveness of implementation and to justify the return on investment. These cause redundancies and public distrust. As a result, it is not so rare to find inefficiencies in implementations, general confusion and premature failure of these programs.

On July 01, 2021, SeeYouDoc began working on the project entitled “Development and enhancement of an interactive analytics platform for medical facilities to provide assessment of telemedicine adoption” as one of the grantees of the Philippine Government through the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) - Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) under the Startup Research Grant Program of the PCHRD Intellectual Property and Technology Management (IPTM) Unit.

Our mission was simple: 1) conduct a study on various implementations of telemedicine programs to identify the foundational metrics needed 2) create an interactive, enhanced analytics portal to augment virtual telehealth providers to measure their performance, guide internal regulations and policies, and monitor business metrics.

Read the tech brief from the DOST-PCHRD website here.

The Future of Telemedicine in Numbers

We’re proud to announce SeeYouDoc MA - a new product within the SeeYouDoc platform that enables medical institutions to visualize and share their healthcare service performance – open to the public!

Advance your virtual facility with research-backed telemedicine metrics that update in real-time: from patients demographics, appointment heat maps,  geolocation and your most used services to navigate your telemedicine program. With SeeYouDoc Analytics, you can make guided decisions through better visibility of your numbers.

This platform offers (a) a dashboard page where users can see the overall performance of their organization’s operations at a glance; (b) an appointment heat map where medical organizations can identify which hours and days of the week their virtual facility is serving the most appointments; (c) a doctor and patients demographics page; (d) a ratings and complaints page where patient feedbacks can be monitored; and (e) a revenue page for plotting transaction amounts and common methods of payment.

SYD MA is available for current SYD MH (Virtual Facility) subscribers as an add-on for ₱5,000.00 per month.

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