Health Myths: Debunked

Hearsays have always been misleading, and oftentimes, regardless if they have scientific backing, we follow what they say because we aren’t sure how it would affect our health. Here are some health myths explained and debunked.

Health Myths: Debunked

Growing up, we have all heard our parents or our grandparents warning us about getting sick if we work on our computers all day, or that sleeping with your hair wet will eventually cause blindness. However, most of these sayings aren’t based on science. So here is a list of debunked popular health myths:

Do vaccines cause autism?

Some people believe that vaccines can cause autism. However, there is no link between the two. The thought that vaccines, specifically the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, cause autism was first started by Andrew Wakefield, MD. It had caused a large commotion in the 1990s, and parents had refused to get their children vaccinated. In the early 2000s, it was revealed that Wakefield’s studies it has been proven that Wakefield’s studies were falsified. However, it had lasting effects on the public as people were still unsure of whether they want to take their vaccines.

Immunization protects your child from sicknesses that are potentially fatal. Aside from safeguarding you against deadly diseases, getting vaccinated also saves you from a potential cost in the future, since vaccine-preventable diseases usually require you to be hospitalized or medicated. Contact your family physician or pediatrician as soon as possible with regards to scheduling your child’s vaccination.

Does coffee stunt a child’s growth?

There is a belief that coffee stunts your growth, however, this is entirely false. Coffee has caffeine, and as a result, it stimulates your central nervous system. For adults, cup or two a day does nothing to some people, however, high doses can lead to anxiety, dizziness, interference with regular sleep, and if taken on a daily basis, dependence.

For children however, because of their smaller body mass, coffee can upset their stomach, make their heart beat faster, make them more irritable, and significantly affect their sleep. Although low nutritional intake can slow down a child’s growth, food items that are empty calories such as sodas and do not stunt a child’s growth. It may, however, increase your child’s weight to above the ideal vis a vis their height.

Does sugar cause ADHD?

All of us are familiar with the term “sugar high,” and similarly, people have heard that sugar causes Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), a mental disorder that can be found in children and adults which causes individuals to hyperactive and unable to control their impulses, which later affects their lifestyle. However, this is false.

Sugar does not cause ADHD. It may, however, cause hyperactivity. Hyperactiveness is different from ADHD such that it does not affect the comprehension of a child as well as the speed with which he or she understands things and concepts. A child with ADHD will also be less mature developmentally than their peers. These are the reasons why children with ADHD have a hard time focusing in school.

Is microwaved food cancerous?

Microwaves use radiation to heat the food that we place inside them. It is an undoubtedly easy and convenient way to prepare food after a hard day’s work, but it is also true that a lot of us has heard people reprimand us because they thought that microwaved food was cancerous.

The process behind microwaving food is that they use radiation to make food molecules vibrate, which causes the food to heat up. So despite hearsay, microwaved food is not cancerous.

Why should I follow the doctor’s prescriptions?

Whenever we are sick, people go to the doctor to find out what medicine would be best to treat their ailment. After the appointment, the doctor hands us a sheet of paper with our prescribed medicine, writing down the specifics such as how many times we need to take per day and how many days we need to take the medicine.

Despite this specification however, a lot of people play doctor and stop taking their medication even before the specified date because they already feel better. Following your prescription maximizes the benefits of your medication. Additionally, taking your medication as directed also has a high chance of improving your overall health outcome.

Make sure to contact your local physician about health myths. Hearsays are sometimes true, but they can also be false, and getting a professional's opinion never hurts anyone. And now with SeeYouDoc, contacting your local physician is made easier as you can now book appointments online. From dentists and orthodontics, to physicians, and even gastroenterologists, SeeYouDoc has got you covered.

Source/s: CDC, Cancer Council